Tag Archives: sex advice

Love bites

1 Dec

From thesite.org

Cute display of affection or possessive tag? You decide.

What is it?

A love bite is basically a bruise, caused by bleeding under the skin as a result of your partner’s limpet-like sucking on your neck. This temporary discoloration, technically called a hyperpigmentation, results from blood being drawn out of vessels under your skin. Lust Cosmetics

Why do it?

Some people just can’t stop themselves… Those possessive types may use love bites as a mark of possession to show everyone else you are taken. If they can’t trust you to tell people yourself, are they worth it?

For others it is a show of affection, and the receivers are quite happy to show off to their mates that they are getting some. However this usually stops at 13 and so if your mates are still flaunting them you may suspect that the hoover did it. Just a thought.

When to stop

If you do have vampire tendencies you should be able to understand the word NO from your partner. Don’t make him/her think that you’re orally fixated, or that you didn’t eat enough for dinner. Leave their flesh intact.

Best option is to tell your partner you don’t like them – it saves all the hassle really.

Cover up

To reduce the swelling apply a cold compress (like an ice cube wrapped in kitchen towel). This serves to make the broken blood vessels contract, but for best results it needs to be done immediately after the damage has been done.

If a few hours have passed try rubbing arnica on the affected area to soothe the skin. Applying a little make up will also help keep the truth covered up, as will a scarf or hiding in your room till the bruising fades.

Your suggested cures

One tried and tested method appears to be toothpaste. Angela says: “Toothpaste is really good. I’m coming from experience. It does help! And of course you can always pinch some concealer or powder from your sister’s room to stop trying to get rid of them. Still, the best option is to tell your partner you don’t like them – it saves all the hassle really,”

And, of course, polo necks… but not in the Summer, according to Paul: “Buy a selection of polo neck jumpers to cover it up- then again that might work in Winter but not during a heatwave.”

Click here to read the original article

Have Better Sex This Winter

26 Nov

From womenshealthmag.com

Lust CosmeticsIf shorter days and dipping temperatures have you feeling more snuggly than sexy lately, there’s an explanation: “In the winter, many people’s testosterone levels decrease, which can lower libido substantially,” says Jed Diamond, Ph.D., author of Irritable Male Syndrome. Prevent your sex life from going into a deep freeze by following this advice.

Embrace your body

Screw your post-dinner bloat—and no running to pee wrapped in a sheet after sex. Guys actually find you sexier in the wintertime, according to a study published in the journal Perception. In the summer, they see so much skin that they become more critical of women’s bodies. But in the winter, women aren’t showcasing their toned butts and abs, so men are more accepting of different body types and are more likely to overlook flaws. Don’t feel comfortable lounging around naked? Throw on something that highlights your best assets, like a cute pair of boy shorts or a sexy tank top.

Try a hot trick

“Warm sensations bring the blood to the skin’s surface, increasing sensitivity,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., author of Touch Me There! A Hands-On Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spots. Blow hot air over the thin-skinned parts of his body, such as his neck, ears, inner thighs, and scrotum. Or keep a mug of warm tea on the bedside table, and before you go down on him, swish some around in your mouth. You can also rub heat-activated lube on each other’s shoulders, back, butt, or genitals.

Be more intimate during sex

Rather than sex positions that require astounding feats of flexibility, try a few that encourage coziness. Lie on your side while he spoons you, or while you’re stomach-down, have him lie flat on top of you and enter you from behind. And get your boobs in on the action: “Your breasts are made of glandular tissue, so they can generate heat when they’re stimulated and pressed against warm skin,” says certified sex educator Lou Paget, author of Hot Mamas. Use them as a tool during foreplay to give both of you some added thrills.

Get busy on the clothes dryer

Yeah, the laundry room is for getting things clean, but you can also use it to get down and dirty. Hop onto the humming dryer while he stands between your legs, and let him give you oral attention. “You can hoist one leg over his shoulder to give him easier access,” says Fulbright. The heat from the machine plus the vibrations will amp up the experience.




Sex lab holds key to knee orgasms and the cheating vaccine

10 Aug

Nancy J. White, Living Reporter, thestar.com

Women are turned on by the smell of cucumber mixed with Good & Plenty candy.From the alluring smell of pumpkin pie to a vaccine for cheaters, scientists have turned up some useful as well as wacky tidbits about sexuality.

For her book, Secrets from the Sex Lab, author Judy Dutton gathered researchers’ findings on what’s going on chemically, biologically and neurologically.

Dutton, 37, spoke to the Star about scientific flirting, knee orgasms, and what to name — or not name — your baby.

 Q: The biggest mystery is sexual chemistry. What is it?

Sexual chemistry is ruled by factors we have little control over or little awareness about. For example, the way someone smells can make or break how much chemistry you have. Someone may seem all wrong but the smell is right and you’re smitten and you don’t understand why. It has to do with the major histocompatibility complex, a sequence of genes involved in the immune system. If someone smells good, it indicates that your immune systems are compatible and you’ll have strong healthy offspring. This isn’t something we think about consciously. It’s going on under the surface.

Q: What particular smells are turn-ons?

Scientists actually hooked up measuring devices to people’s genitals to measure blood flow and then put different smells in front of them until they found winning combinations. An interesting day at work.

They found that men are attracted to the smell of pumpkin pie mixed with lavender. That smell increased genital blood flow by 40 per cent. For women, the smell of cucumber mixed with the candy Good & Plenty increased vaginal blood flow by 14 per cent.

They also found that a spicy floral scent made women appear about twelve pounds lighter to men.

Q: You say that even a person’s name may affect chemistry. Ben and Julie are hot. Luke and Anne are not. Why?

A researcher put pictures up on the website hotornot.com and then changed the names to see the effect. For men, names with a, e and i sounds, such as Matt or Mike, were rated as hot. For women, it was o and u sounds, like Lola or Judy. The sound of the vowels seem to make an impact on how attractive we find someone.

Q: Besides smearing yourself with pumpkin or cucumber, what other flirting tips does science offer?

For women, one technique is to schedule dates around when she’s ovulating. Studies show that men find women more attractive at that time than any other point in the month. We don’t know exactly why — smell, looks — but they’re more appealing.

For men, when they go out on the prowl, instead of bringing a wingman with them, they should bring a wingwoman, a female friend. The reason is what scientists call mate choice copying. Women are more attracted to men who are already receiving female attention. The thinking is that this guy has to have something that makes the other woman interested.

Q: You write about erogenous zones. But really, nose and knee orgasms?

A lot of people think it’s an urban legend, but scientists have documented them, even ear-gasms and eyebrow-gasms. Certain people are just wired that way. It’s not as if everyone can have a nose orgasm. I tried but didn’t get far.

If someone is highly aroused by traditional means, sometimes a little caress on a particular part of the body will do it. You never know until you’ve tried.

Q: A woman has an A spot and a U spot?

Yeah. The anterior fornix erogenous zone, or A spot, was discovered by a sexologist in Malaysia. It’s located a little deeper than the G spot. It can cause orgasm in under two minutes, according to a study. The U spot is extra sensitive tissue surrounding the urethral opening.

Q: You say that an MRI scan of your brain can reveal if you’re in love or in lust. How does that work?

It’s not widely available, yet. For a study, scientists put people in MRI machines and showed them photos of someone they were in love with and then random pictures of attractive people. When the subjects looked at the loved ones, certain areas of the brain lit up. When they saw the random attractive people, other areas lit up. It’s essentially looking into the brain to see if it’s true love. It’s better than a fortune teller.

Q: Can scientists predict who will cheat?

To a certain extent. First, there’s a genetic component. Scientists have found certain genes that make people more prone to cheating, but it’s not a done deal. I wouldn’t get my partner genetically tested and then toss him if he had the cheating gene. I’d just keep an eye on him.

Scientists developed a cheating vaccine that works on rodents. Meadow voles are extremely promiscuous. By injecting them with the vaccine they turned monogamous. A cheating vaccine for humans won’t be available any time soon. There are lots of moral quandaries.

Q: Can brain scans be used to detect cheaters?

There’s a company in California called No Lie MRI where you can bring your partner, but it’s expensive. While in the magnetic resonance imaging machine, the partner is shown a photo of the beloved and answers questions. From the scans, you can tell if the person is cheating by areas of the brain that light up. When a lie is involved, many areas of the brain are activated. Most who get the scan are faithful. Those who aren’t tend to run away or cave at the last minute. It’s very effective in ferreting out cheaters even before they get there.

Q: Will science ever answer all the secrets of sex?

It’s definitely answered a lot of things that make people anxious. That’s what I found so hopeful. For example, men worry about penis size but scientists have proven that it doesn’t matter. Women can stop stressing about how they look naked. Researchers found that men spend most of the time looking at the woman’s face. But there will always be more questions.

Q: In your research, what most surprised you?

I was definitely surprised to learn that in addition to heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals, there’s another orientation: asexuals, who are attracted to no one. Scientists estimate that one in 100 people are asexuals. There’s a support group complete with t-shirts and catchy slogans, such as “A-Pride,” and “Asexuality is not just for amoebas anymore.” Perhaps one day they will have their own bars to avoid getting hassled.

Q: You mentioned you have an infant daughter. Did you give her a hot name?

Oh my God. I don’t think I even thought of it. Her name is Indiana. That’s not in the hot category, no “o” or “u” sounds. She’ll have that working against her. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe subconsciously I wanted to keep her home and out of trouble.